
Why is diaphragmatic breathing so powerful?

How often were you told, "Just take a deep breath"?

But what does that really mean?

Most people think a deep breath means filling their chest like a balloon—shoulders rising, neck tightening. Sound familiar?

True deep breathing isn't about how much air you can force into your chest. It’s about engaging your diaphragm

When you breathe through your nose, it’s easier to engage the diaphragm. When you engage the diaphragm, you pull the air into the lower lungs. Since the lower lungs have more blood than the upper lungs, this allows more oxygen to enter your bloodstream.

Nasal, diaphragmatic breathing is efficient—and our bodies like efficiency!

Why Diaphragmatic Breathing is So Powerful

🌱Activates the relaxation response
The vagus nerve runs through the diaphragm. The diaphragm’s movement stimulates the vagus nerve. This activates the ‘rest and digest’ response of the nervous system.

 Provides a natural energy boost
Shallow breaths only fill the upper lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing fills the lower lungs as well. This leads to better oxygenation of the blood, helping your body and mind feel revitalized.

🧠 Improves focus
More oxygen to the brain enhances mental clarity, making it easier to stay present and productive.

How to Start Practicing Diaphragmatic Breathing

1️⃣ Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
2️⃣ Close your mouth and breathe in and out through your nose.
3️⃣ As you inhale, let your belly rise and fill with air. 
    Imagine a balloon inflating right below your ribs.
4️⃣ As you exhale, feel your belly return to its starting position.
🌟Notice the hand on your belly moving up and down, while the hand on your chest stays still.

 With practice, diaphragmatic breathing can become a natural part of your day!

✨ Want to learn more about diaphragmatic breathing?
Discover visual insights in this blog post!

Stay healthy, stay happy.

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