
Breathing for Active Relaxation

Imagine you're sitting in your car in the school pick-up line and waiting. Then you have to get out of the car because you feel like the seat belt is choking you!

This was me a few years ago. I went through a period when all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't breathe. The worst was at night. As I couldn't fall asleep, my perceived lack of air got worse. Then my heart started racing and sleep became impossible.

I was able to break this vicious cycle with the 4-7-8 breathing method. It took some practice for this deep breathing exercise to be effective.  After 3-4 weeks I was able to get over the panic attacks and fall asleep easily by simply using the 4-7-8 technique.  

This is still my preferred way of deep breathing, especially when I'm doing something that makes me uncomfortable—crossing the Capilano Bridge last December was one such activity Hamra on Capilano Bridge

Here's how you can practice 4-7-8 breathing:

  1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down.
  2. Close your eyes if you are comfortable doing so.
  3. Rest your tongue behind your upper front teeth.
  4. Exhale completely through your mouth making a WHOOSH sound.
  5. Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose for 4 counts.
  6. Keep your mouth closed and hold your breath for 7 counts.
  7. Breathe out through your mouth with a WHOOSH sound for 8 counts.
  8. Repeat three more times for a total of 4 breaths.
Let's talk about another way of conscious breathing:

Breathing through your left nostril activates the parasympathetic nervous system ⇒ a method you can use to help you fall asleep.

This is a good breathing exercise to do right before going to bed. Sit in a comfortable position. With your right thumb gently put pressure on your right nostril and block off the right side of your nose. 

Close your eyes. Breathe in slowly through your nose (left nostril). Exhale slowly through your left nostril. Gently breathe in as much air as you need and then breathe out all the tension of the day. As you're breathing in, feel your belly fill up with air. As you're breathing out, let your belly button go towards your spine. 

For a good night's sleep, do this exercise for 4-5 minutes before bed. You will help your mind relax and get ready for a restful night!  

Stay healthy, stay happy.

Comments (1)



11-21-20 09:48 AM PST

Thanks for these tips, they will be very helpful. I remembered many years ago a yoga teacher teaching us the nostril method. She didn’t tell us the science behind it, but I have totally forgotten it until I read your blog.

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